The Roads Of Male’ City


Maldives is a country in the Indian Ocean. It is to the South of Srilanka. Consisting of more than 100 small islands, it is the smallest country in Asia. The capital of Maldives, Male’, was very peaceful fifty years ago. But nowadays, Male’ has gotten more congested. It is almost impossible to get fresh air in Male’ because of the pollution caused by the vehicles.  

Speaking of vehicles, Male’ is full of them. The traffic problem that Male’ faces today is unbelievable. None of the older men can believe it. Big roads like Ameenee Magu, Majeedhee Magu and Bodu Thakurufaanu Magu are full of vehicles that it is nearly impossible for pedestrians to cross the road without hearing a honk. Now, what causes this? 

The main cause is carelessness. Careless driving and careless crossing. Pedestrians are also at fault. There are other causes like people not wearing helmets, people exceeding the speed limit and drink and drive issues.  

Accidents are not the only problem on the roads. Traffic jam is also a major problem. But what exactly causes traffic? Too many vehicles. Having too many vehicles usually is not bad. But the roads in Male’ are too narrow, and hence, it becomes a problem. Male’ is so congested these days that car owners don’t get space to park. It is nothing better with two wheelers too. They are forced to park in prohibited places, which often blocks the roads.  

Now, what are the solutions for this? There are quite a few ways. To stop unauthorized parking, the government can charge a fine.  Moreover, they can make more spaces to park cars or cycles. This will solve all the parking problems. To stop traffic problems, the government should make stricter laws. If a person doesn’t follow the traffic rules, he/she should be fined. The government should once again make strict rules so that everyone follows the traffic rules.  The fines, for an instance, can be risen higher. 

Overall, I think it is not too hard to stop or at least reduce the problems. All what the government should do is, make stricter rules. 

Ismail Falih


One thought on “The Roads Of Male’ City

  • August 19, 2019 at 9:15 am

    You have come up with sound and rational solutions to the problem.


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