A visit to the Chinese National Museum


Dearest kun,

Hi, how are you? I’m sorry I haven’t been able to write to you recently as I’ve had exams every day this week. Recently, I travelled to China and visited the Chinese National Museum and I wanted to tell you about my experience there.

The museum is famous for having several corpses and tombs of former Chinese emperors. As a result, the museum is filled to the brim with tourists and locals alike.  Visiting to see old torture devices and the tombs of emperors brought terror in me.

The first thing I noticed were the huge statues outside the museum. Carved from granite, they depicted executions of the heretics who spouted blasphemy about the political state of old China. Although the statues were gruesome, there were several tourists in line to take pictures of them.

The interior of the museum contained several historical artifacts. Even the architecture of the building made the place feel like a temple or shrine. This was heavily reflected by the visitors who silently moved along, taking their time to stare at the exhibitions in awe. Indubitably, each exhibition depicted an era, telling the tale of each emperor’s reign. In fact, I was particularly attracted to the Blade of the Legendary Yellow Emperor, famous for being stained with the blood of Japanese samurais who were forced to commit seppuku.

After the experience, I took some time to compare the museum in China to our local National Museum. One thing I noticed was that the visitors in the Chinese museum were dead quiet. The silence was eerie, like the dark nothingness that is the void/abyss.  In contrast to this, our local museum is as loud as the sound made by a Nokia 3310 dropped from the Burj Khalifa, even when there are only a handful of guests.

Well, I should get packing now since my next excursion begins tomorrow. I hope to hear from you soon.

With love,


Hassan Thysir Mohamed

Gr 8 Student

2 thoughts on “A visit to the Chinese National Museum

  • April 16, 2018 at 8:35 am

    A good tour to the museum. indeed museums have been playing a significant role in preserving the culture and addressing social issues.

  • April 22, 2018 at 3:21 am

    Well-structured, organized and beautifully described piece of writing. You surely have an eye for good definitions; keep it up!


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