

One day I was wandering around in the park when I found a baby donkey which was black with white spots. It was lost so I decided to take care of it. I named it Percy, and it seemed to like the name.

We played for a long time until mom called us to go back home. When we got back home, Percy started braying so I knew he was hungry and gave him food. I always gave him a salad with lettuce and he loved it.

Whenever he wants to play, we go out to the backyard and play hide and seek. When he is bored of playing hide and seek, we play ‘Simon says’.

Now it’s time for bed. Percy always sleeps near my bed. After that day, we always remained best friends.

Mohamed Yulhim Bin Yazeed

Student Grade 5

2 thoughts on “Percy

  • September 5, 2018 at 7:14 am

    It is interesting to know you can keep a donkey as a pet. I liked your story Yulhim!


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