How schools have changed!
1+ How would you like to be in a class of 100? Back in the Victorian era, classes of up
Read more1+ How would you like to be in a class of 100? Back in the Victorian era, classes of up
Read more2+ When a child reaches secondary education level, they start thinking about their future occupation, especially when choosing streams. The
Read more5+ Building Bonds in a New Environment
Read more1+ By Zaraa Mohamed Abdul Kareem Nowadays, many students think about taking a year off between high school and college
Read more1+ The ongoing discussion whether cartoons are necessary or not may eventually form into a heated debate. I believe that
Read more3+ As our beloved country, the Maldives, gets ready to host a major sports event for the first time, it
Read more84+ In today’s modern world, education has come a really long way. Nowadays, schools are giving their pupils the chance
Read more1+ In the last few weeks, we have not been going to school. At least, not physically. Schools all around
Read more6+ Maldives is a country in the Indian Ocean. It is to the South of Srilanka. Consisting of more than
Read more1+ Are the roads of Male’ being used according to the rules and regulations? From what I have observed, there
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