Sun - Thu (0800-1400)

Ted Ed Club

TED-Ed Clubs are for students ages 8 to 18 and can contain up to 50 members. An educator — who gets materials and a hands-on orientation from the TED-Ed staff — leads the club through a series of 13 meetings (Explorations), designed to get students to permanently wear their thinking caps. For the first three meetings, students watch TED Talks, discuss them and begin to think: what idea most captures my imagination? From there, students learn how to frame their idea and present it in a TED-style talk. In meeting 11, students give their talks in front of the club and, in the next meeting, work on editing their video. As a final step, these talks are uploaded to the TED-Ed YouTube channel — some may even be featured on the TED-Ed website.


GIS is a co-educational school catering to children between the ages of 6 and 16 years.
Our preparatory year as an international school began on a good note with a number of promising students and dedicated staff.

Get in Touch

Ghiyasuddin International School.

  • Ameenee Magu, Malé 20383
  • +9603332500