Sun - Thu (0800-1400)

ABE fair - Young Entrepreneurs



The ABE fair was organized and conducted by the grade 8 and 9 students as part of their Business Studies, Accounting and Economics project for the First term. The Fair was held on the 16th of April, 2015 in the school hall, Art room and Music room from 13:30 hours to 15:30 hours and it was open for all grades.

The students worked under the guidance of their respective teachers. The aim of this project was to give the students first hand experience in marketing skills,  advertising, promotion, specialisation, division of labour, economies of scale, demand and supply theory, balance sheet- profit and loss, monopoly and competition, cost benefit analysis and opportunity cost

The two classes of grade 8 students came up with an ice-cream stall, face painting stall, food stall, games stall and also a craft stall. After covering up the costs, they made a remarkable profit of Rf. 9,109. They did a splendid job proving that each and every student had put in their maximum effort into making this fair a complete success.

In addition, the grade 9’s had given an absolute surprise to all members of the business department by coming up with a profit of Rf. 12,000 after covering up all of their costs. They had a photo booth, a craft stall, games stall, food corner and also a Nerf stall. The grade 9’s had applied extra effort as they also instructed and guided the grade 8’s along with their project, as they were seniors.

It was a successful and amazing job by both grades, as they had created a profit of Rf. 21,109 from their project. The students and parents enjoyed themselves at the fair.  The money collected from the ABE fair will be donated to the orphanage at Villimale.

GIS is a co-educational school catering to children between the ages of 6 and 16 years.
Our preparatory year as an international school began on a good note with a number of promising students and dedicated staff.

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  • Ameenee Magu, Malé 20383
  • +9603332500