Introducing the most Advanced Robotics Programme for the Students of GIS in Collaboration with Avishkaar Robotronics
Providing an opportunity for students to unlearn what they have learned in the field of Science and Computer Science and to generate innovative minds, GIS has introduced the most advanced Robotics Programme in collaboration with Avishkaar Robotronics.
Before the students start this programme it is vital for teachers to know the basics of such a programme and therefore, GIS organised a seven-hours practical workshop for the teachers of Science and Computer Science Department. This workshop held on 19th and 20th April 2015 was conducted and facilitated by Mr. Tarun Bhalla, the Founder of Building Blocks, Delhi, India. During the workshop, the teachers learned about Mechanical Engineering, Programming and Electronics. They also learned to make small robots.
GIS believes that introducing robotics will allow the students to learn the basics of the robot world covering information from artificial intelligence to robot mechanics. As this is a very new step to broaden the minds of our youngsters, the teachers and students will be guided and supported at all times during the stages of this programme.