Sun - Thu (0800-1400)

Aiham from Grade 9A accepted for Oxford Royale Academy Summer School 2017


Ahmed Aiham Muththalib will be studying Introduction to Leadership in the UK after winning a two-week scholarship to Oxford Royale Academy.

Ahmed Aiham Muththalib, aged 14, a student at Ghiyasuddin International School, was chosen from a strong pool of Maldivian students who applied for a full scholarship at the prestigious summer school, which includes daily lessons in advanced subjects and a variety of excursions around the UK to supplement students’ learning.
Aiham will study Introduction to Leadership this summer with other young people from around the world.
“I feel very excited about getting chosen for this. It is a great opportunity to be able to have opportunities to experience new things such as this and the World Scholar’s Cup, chances to meet new friends, gain more knowledge, and improve myself. I found out about this on the 17th of May, through my school, and I thought, I might as well have a go at it. It was right after an exam and I managed to apply before the deadline. I found about my acceptance on the 5th of June when I was at school practicing for the World Scholar’s Cup, and was amazed and bamboozled.”
Aiham first became interested in Introduction to Leadership, when he got selected as the Science Club president of the school, and he had to play a leadership role. He

was split between the many courses offered by  ORA, but finally settled for the leadership course as he felt that it would be the best one for him.
After finishing high school, Ahmed Aiham Muththalib hopes to use the skills he learnt at ORA to improve his leadership skills and strive forward  and use them in his future course of study. He expects that this will give him an edge in his future endeavours and serve as a good reference.
The GIS family wish Aiham all the best and is proud of his achievement.

GIS is a co-educational school catering to children between the ages of 6 and 16 years.
Our preparatory year as an international school began on a good note with a number of promising students and dedicated staff.

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Ghiyasuddin International School.

  • Ameenee Magu, Malé 20383
  • +9603332500