Sun - Thu (0800-1400)

Science Fusion 2019 - Awarding

On 17th November 2019, a special assembly was held to award the students who achieved winning places from the GIS Science Exhibition 2019. A total of 89 exhibits were judged under five categories. Medals and certificates were given to the winners by the school Principal Mr. Thoha Saleem and the Principal-Select of GIS Mr. Ali Musthafa. Congratulations!

# Category 1 - Gr. 1
- 1st Place: 'Natural Water Purifying System' (1B)
- 2nd Place: 'Self-watering Eco Plant' (1B)
- 3rd Place: 'In which liquid do seeds grow?' (1A)

# Category 2 - Gr. 2 & 3
- 1st Place: Green Cleaning Products (3A)
- 2nd Place: Precipitation (3C)
- 3rd Place: Best out from Waste (3B)

# Category 3 - Gr. 4 & 5
- 1st Place: Making Torch (5B)
- 2nd Place: Wash Your Hand (5A)
- 3rd Place: Hydraulic Crane (5D)

# Category 4 - Gr. 6 & 7
- 1st Place: Plastic Bottle Sofa (6C)
- 2nd Place: Recycling Glass (7A)
- 3rd Place: Plastic Collector (7C)

# Category 5 - Gr. 8 & 9
- 1st Place: Water Power (9C)
- 2nd Place: Note the Totes (8A)
- 3rd Place: Bio-gas (9A)

GIS is a co-educational school catering to children between the ages of 6 and 16 years.
Our preparatory year as an international school began on a good note with a number of promising students and dedicated staff.

Get in Touch

Ghiyasuddin International School.

  • Ameenee Magu, Malé 20383
  • +9603332500