Sun - Thu (0800-1400)

Inter-school Netball Tournament 2024

Inter-school Netball Tournament 2024
We are proud of our Inter-school Netball teams.
The Under 17 team emerged as Champions, and the U15 team secured the Runners-up spot. U13 narrowly missed the finals with one point. However, they played exceptionally well and made us proud.
Some of our players were also crowned with the Best Player title and queen of the series.
Individual achievements:
# Selected among the best seven players from the tournament:
- Mariyam Shaf’aa Ahmed 6C
- Alaaniya Hussain Faisal 7C
# U15
- Mariyam Natara Naseer 7C
- Mariyam Malak Mohamed.
Sifan 9B
# U17
- Aishath Malaika Ali 9C
- Shiba Hussain Suhail10A
- Tazkiya Mohamed
Maushoog 10C
- Mariyam Ziva Ziam 10B
Also, we proudly announce that Shiba Hussain Suhail 10A was selected as the Queen of the series from U17 age category.
# Additionally, our coach Ms. Neesha Haleem was selected as the best coach among the U17 team coaches.
These achievements not only reflect the players' skills but also underline the crucial support from parents and coaches. Their unwavering encouragement and guidance have undoubtedly played a significant role in the teams' success.

BML National Tennis Championship 2024

We are excited to announce the Achievements we got from BML National Tennis Championship 2024
# U7 Girls singles- Raelyn Mahir Ibrahim- RUNNER UP
# U7 Girls singles - Skyna Binth Ali Suneez- CHAMPION
# U 11 Boys doubles - Ahmed Hoodh Nazih- RUNNER UP
# U10 Girls doubles -Malaka Mohamed Ali- RUNNER UP
# U 12Boys singles - Yaal Farhath Habeeb- RUNNER UP
# U12 Girls doubles - Aishath Saina Hussain - RUNNER UP
# U 12 Girls doubles - Aisha Sara Wisam - CHAMPION.
# U14 Girls singles - Manha Mohamed Ali- CHAMPION
# Junior Open Boys - Singles-Daoud Shaheeb- RUNNER UP
# - Junior Open Boys -Muhammad Nooh Nazih- CHAMPION
# Men's open singles - Muhammad Nooh Nazih--RUNNER UP
# Men's open doubles- Muhammad Nooh Nazih—CHAMPION
# Men's open doubles-Daoud Shaheeb / Muhammad Nooh Nazih- CHAMPION.

Madhaha Ran Adu by MMAC

We are proud to announce the achievements our students attained from the Madhaha Ran Adu, Season 5 organised by MMAC.
# U6 2nd place Zakia Abdulla Haneef
# U11 1st place Hayi Ismail Adhuham
# U13 1st place Zuwail Ali Thoriq
# U13 2nd place Zawq Ali Thoriq
# U16 1st place from the age category and 3rd place from the whole competition Alisha Shiyam.
# U9 -2nd place Yoosahau Hayyan Abdul Munnim.
# U 9 - 2nd place Hajar Amelia Binth Nihaz
# U6- 1st Place Ruby Abdulla Wasif .

GIS is a co-educational school catering to children between the ages of 6 and 16 years.
Our preparatory year as an international school began on a good note with a number of promising students and dedicated staff.

Get in Touch

Ghiyasuddin International School.

  • Ameenee Magu, Malé 20383
  • +9603332500