Sun - Thu (0800-1400)

Francophonie workshop for Students doing French

Students doing French created  posters about the typical foods in some French speaking countries  and cooked crepe to celebrate Francophonie. The activities were to create awareness  about Francophonie and at the same time learn the vocabulary related to food. 

Celebrating World Autism Day

World Autism Day is marked on the second of April every year. Spreading awareness on Autism is important for everyone in the school as we believe that students with Autism should be given equal opportunities as students in the mainstream classes. At GIS students with Autism study along with mainstream students.

Mr Richard and Mrs Jackie's visit to GIS

ashleyThe students,  staff and parents of GIS extend a warm welcome to  Head Teacher of Ashley Primary School, UK, Mr. Richard Dunne and Deputy Head Teacher  Mrs. Jackie Stevens.

GIS is a co-educational school catering to children between the ages of 6 and 16 years.
Our preparatory year as an international school began on a good note with a number of promising students and dedicated staff.

Get in Touch

Ghiyasuddin International School.

  • Ameenee Magu, Malé 20383
  • +9603332500